
City Life
Tonight we leave by overnight
train to Luxor, so we check out of our hotel in the morning and go roaming
thru the city looking for bargains, food, and whatever else that may come
our way. We learn our way around the city like any brave traveller does...we
got lost, eventually we found our way to some fairly good Falafel restaurants,
and made a few friends along the way. Cairo has no lack of Internet Cafes.
We meet friendly Cairenees
by the Nile who are anxious to practice their English with us; they instruct
us on taking the Metro (the only subway system in all of Africa) to the
train station. We leave on the Nefertiti (Super First Class) train at 10
p.m. it is cold as ice, but the chairs are even more comfortable than airplane
seats, I read Omerta by Mario Puzo until I am asleep. 600 miles to get to

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